Recommended sodium intake by age
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- how much sodium should we consume in a day
- how much sodium should we consume daily
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How Much Sodium You Can Eat Every Day, According to a Nutritionist
Eating too much sodium is the number one dietary risk linked to death, according to a meta-analysis published in The Lancet.
How much salt per day for a woman
The research used 27 years worth of data from 195 countries and revealed some not-too-surprising stats about how food impacts our health: Diets high in sodium (plus saturated fat and added sugar) increase our risk for chronic disease across the board.
How much sodium is too much?
Here in the U.S., 90% of us over-consume salt, according to American Heart Association (AHA). But what may surprise you is that more than 70% of the sodium we eat is from processed, packaged foods and prepared restaurant dishes — not the salt shaker.
The Centers for Disease Control estimates the average American eats more than 3400mg per day, but the official federal Dietary Guidelines recommend eating no more than 2300mg, or the equivalent of one teaspoon of table salt.
Because eating too much sodium can raise your blood pressure, the AHA advises ideally staying under 1500mg per day. High blood pres
- how much sodium should we consume in one day
- how much sodium should you consume in a day